Marco Gubitosi

Marco Gubitosi

Marco was recognised by Leaders League in the tier “excellent” of Private Equity lawyers Italy. As a member of Legance’s M&A Corporate finance department, Marco has been involved in several major transactions carried out on the Italian market. In particular, he has outstanding expertise in mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, corporate finance, alternative investments, joint ventures, corporate and contract law. He regularly advises Italian and foreign banks and financial institutions, Private Equity houses and sovereign funds, family offices and alternative capital providers, as well as corporations and family-owned businesses on a diverse range of transactions. Marco has developed his expertise both in Italy and abroad, particularly, working in New York, London and Beijing.

After graduating from the University of Naples in 1993, he earned an LL.M. Degree (avec Mention) from the Universitée Libre de Bruxelles, Institute des Hautes Etudes Européennes (Brussels, 1995). He is admitted to the Italian Bar also to represent clients before the Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione). He is a member of the Tax and Legal committee at AIFI (Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association). He also held the office as Director General of ANSPC, National Association for the Credit Studies, he is a member of the Board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy. Marco is the author of several publications on mergers and acquisitions, Private Equity and corporate and restructuring matters, and is a regular speaker and a lecturer at several conferences both in Italy and abroad.