Roberto Guerrini

Roberto Guerrini

Born in Grosseto, Roberto divides his time between the City of London, the Maremma region in Tuscany, Brasil and Thailand.  He studied at ISEF (Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica) and he is extremely fond of sporting activities and was previously the Italian national champion of roller skating and holder of several records, as well as hockey player and coach.  He enjoyed a successful career in banking and finance representing a major Italian bank in various parts of the world: Roma, London, Singapore, Sydney, Geneva and Dublin.  He is the founder of various associations including the Circolo Marco Polo in Singapore, Escape in Art and Business Club Italia in London and Circolo I. P. LA C. (Insieme Per LA Cultura) in Italy.  He is giournalist, author and poet and has written various books: “Il mercato finanziario Internazionale di Singapore” (Studi e informazioni. 47 – Banca Toscana 1995); ”Raccolta di pensieri e poesie” (Nardini ed. 1996) and “I volti dell’anima” (Vitale ed. 2008) which are collections of notes, reflections and, most of all, verse;  his last book is “Sessant’anni di storia… e un po’ di cronaca – Circolo Pattinatori di Grosseto 1951-2011” (CPG - Grosseto 2011).